
On-line Observatory

VALUE – Valuing All Languages to Unlock Europe

VALUE (Valuing all languages to unlock Europe) is a project, funded by the European Commission, which was established to provide support for schools in improving and augmenting their educational outputs through the use of multilingual practices. VALUE provides users with a toolkit and resources to address multilingualism in the formal education environment. VALUE provides learners with different levels of competencies, a range of methodologies, tools and practices which are innovative and interactive. These resources adopt various teaching techniques, ICT and digital storytelling which can be easily incorporated in to education programmes to improve access and quality of education in relation to diversity in schools. The interactive platform is available for use by educators and organisations throughout the EU.

Objectives of VALUE

  • Develop, adapt and transfer in classes an innovative model to add value to multilingualism in European school education systems through technologies and digital media.
  • Contribute to the professional development of primary and lower secondary school teachers through the implementation of an in service training course on multilingual education and digital competences applied to intercultural didactic.
  • Develop innovative and personalized pedagogical approaches to promote educational success of students with migratory background giving regard to cultural and linguistic diversities and the development of transversal competences through digital media.
  • Promote positive interaction and active participation of foreign families in the education context of the hosting society giving references to the different linguistic and cultural heritages.[1]

[1] http://valuemultilingualism.org/index.php/en/about/objectives
